Selasa, 07 Februari 2012


Rahmawan Yulianto
Karangpung 02/07, Lorog, Tawangsari 57 561 Sukoharjo

Application Letter

Personnel manager PUTRA MAIN MOTOR
Jl.diponegoro number 10,
Nguter, Sukoharjo 57 561

February 7, 2012

Dear Sir / Madam,
    I Rahmawan Yulianto. I am interested in the position of financial accounting, the company's father / mother.
   I apply this position because I was able to do the work in it.
    I signed up to this company because I know the product in the community. I graduated from vocational school who excel in the computer.
I know SON MAIN MOTOR from my brother, who also worked at the company. I'm ready to have a personal interview. I prepared my phone bekerja.nomor 088956773511.Terimakasih the attention of the father / mother.

Rahmawan Yulianto

Resume, CV, certificates, 2 photos (3 X 4)

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